Financial difficulties can happen to anyone. If you have a mortgage against your home and you’re worried about falling behind with your repayments, we’re here to help.
Whether you’ve already missed a mortgage payment or you’re concerned about future payments, the best thing you can do is speak to us. We’ll work with you to help you get – and stay – on top of your mortgage payments.
Your mortgage should be one of your highest priority debts because your home may be put at risk if you don’t keep up with repayments. If you are struggling to pay your mortgage and/or other loans, you should contact your other Lenders, if any, to discuss a restructure of the debt repayments.
Payment protection insurance is insurance that will pay out a sum of money to help you cover your monthly repayments on mortgages and other loans if you are unable to work. If you purchased PPI in relation to your mortgage account, you may want to contact the insurance company to make a claim on that policy. Details should be available on your certificate of insurance.